Expert Tips for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Patient laughing and smiling in the dental chair at our Toronto dental clinic, embodying the positive dental care experience we discuss in our blog 'Caring for Your Teeth

Dental Sealants

A sealant is a thin, plastic material that is designed to prevent cavities, creating a physical barrier between your teeth and cavity-causing bacteria.

Sealants are primarily applied to the back teeth as these teeth contain grooves, pits and fissures which make them particularly susceptible to bacteria and decay.

Sealants can be applied to permanent teeth without cavities, leaving the surface of the tooth uniform in texture, making them easier to clean. Sealants are only recommended on baby teeth for individuals that are extremely cavity-prone.

How are they done?
Before applying the sealant, your dentist will clean and dry your teeth. A solution is then applied to help the sealant bond to the tooth. After application of the sealant, your dentist will rinse and dry your teeth.

Beyond Brushing

When we clean your teeth, we do more than just polish them. We take care to remove plaque and tartar buildup (hard deposits below the gum line), which can lead to gum disease – the #1 cause of tooth loss among adults.

It’s important to remember that dental plaque isn’t dead – it’s bacteria, a living, breathing organism. Left unchecked, it can do a lot of damage to your teeth and gums. This is often why your gums may bleed when you floss intermittently.

When we clean your teeth, we remove the buildup that you either missed or can’t see. Need a helping hand? Our friendly, experienced hygienists will be happy to show you the correct way to brush and floss for optimum oral health!


Time to don your coat of armor! During your teeth cleaning procedure, you’ll be given a fluoride varnish to protect and harden the enamel of your teeth. Fluoride helps to increase your tooth enamel’s resistance to harmful bacteria and acids that can contribute to tooth decay and sensitivity.

Quick and painless, fluoride is one of the easiest treatments that you can get at our office!

How to protect your tooth enamel at home:

Remember to rinse and brush your teeth after every meal, particularly if you’ve been eating or drinking highly acidic foods and beverages such as coffee, cola, candy, or even pickles!

While it is true that our water and some foods are treated with fluoride, it is often not enough to protect teeth from decay. Make sure your regular toothpaste contains fluoride to maintain strong, healthy teeth in between dental visits!


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